Monday, November 25, 2019

Why Have Candlestick Charting Techniques Captured The Attention Of Traders And Investors Around The World?

I have had calls and faxs from around the world requesting more information about candlestick techniques. Why the extensive interest? There are many reasons and a few are:

1. Candlestick charts are flexible. Users run the spectrum from first-time chartists to seasoned professionals. This is because candlestick charts can be used alone or in combination with other technical analysis techniques. A significant advantage attributed to candlestick charting techniques is that these techniques can be used in addition to, not instead of, other technical tools. I am not trying to convince veteran technicians that this system is superior to whatever else they may be using. That is not my claim. My claim is that candlestick charting techniques provide an extra dimension of analysis.

2. Candlestick charting techniques are for the most part unused in the United States. Yet, this technical approach enjoys a centuries-old tradition in the Far East, a tradition which has evolved from centuries of trial and error.

3. Then there are the picturesque terms used to describe the patterns. Would the expression "hanging-man line" spark your interest? This is only one example of how Japanese terminology gives candlesticks a flavor all their own and, once you get a taste, you will not be able to do without them.

4. The Japanese probably know all the Western methods of technical analysis, yet we know almost nothing about theirs. Now it is our turn to benefit from their knowledge. The Japanese use a combination of candlestick charting techniques along with Western technical tools. Why shouldn't we do the same?

5. The primary reason for the widespread attention aroused by candlestick charts is that using them instead of, or in addition to, bar charts is a win-win situation.

This is very significant since it means that any of the technical analysis used with bar charting (such as moving averages, trendlines, Elliott Wave, retracements, and so on) can be employed with candlestick charts. But, and this is the key point, candlestick charts can send signals not avail- . able from bar charts. In addition, there are some patterns that may allow you to get the jump on those who use traditional Western charting techniques. By employing candlestick charting instead of bar charting you have the ability to use all the same analyses as you would with bar charting. But candlestick charts provide a unique avenue of analysis not available anywhere else.

How I Learned About Candelstick Charts

"Why," I have often asked myself, "has a system which has been around so long almost completely unknown in the West?" Were the Japanese trying to keep it secret? Was it the lack of information in the United States? I don't know the answer, but it has taken years of research to fit all the pieces together. I was fortunate in several ways.
Perhaps my perseverance and serendipity were the unique combination needed that others did not have. In 1987, I became acquainted with a Japanese broker. One day, while I was with her in her office, she was looking at one of her Japanese stock chart books (Japanese chart books are in candlestick form). She exclaimed, "look, a window." I asked what she was talking about. She told me a window was the same as a gap in Western technicals. She went on to explain that while Western technicians use the expression "filling in the gap" the Japanese would say "closing the window." She then used other expresions like, "doji" and "dark-cloud cover." I was hooked. I spent the next few years exploring, researching, and analyzing anything I could about candlestick charts.

It was not easy. There are scant English publications on the subject. My initial education was with the help of a Japanese broker and through drawing and analyzing candlestick charts on my own. Then, thanks to the Market Technicians Association (MTA) library, I came across a booklet published by the Nippon Technical Analysts Association called Analysis of Stock Price in Japan. It was a Japanese booklet which had been translated into English. Unfortunately, there were just ten pages on interpreting candlestick charts. Nonetheless, I finally had some English candlestick material. A few months later, I borrowed a book that has had a major influence on my professional life. The MTA office manager, Shelley Lebeck, brought a book entitled The Japanese Chart of Charts by Seiki Shimizu and translated by Greg Nicholson (published by the Tokyo Futures Trading Publishing Co.) back from Japan. It contains about 70 pages on candlestick charts and is written in English. Reading it was like finding an oasis in a desert. As I discovered, while the book yielded a harvest of information, it took some effort and time to get comfortable with its concepts. They were all so new. I also had to become comfortable with the Japanese terminology. The writing style was sometimes obscure. Part of this might have resulted from the translation. The book was originally written in Japanese about 25 years ago for a Japanese audience. I also found out, when I had my own material translated, that it is dreadfully difficult to translate such a specialized subject from Japanese to English. Nonetheless, I had some written reference material. This book became my "Rosetta Stone." I carried the book with me for months, reading and rereading, taking copious notes, applying the candlestick methods to the scores of my hand-drawn candlestick charts. I chewed and grinded away at the new ideas and terminology. I was fortunate in another sense. I had the help Introduction 3 of the author, Seiki Shimizu, to answer my many questions. Although Mr. Shimizu does not speak English, the translator of the book, Greg Nicholson, graciously acted as our intermediary via fax messages. The Japanese Chart of Charts provided the foundation for the rest of my investigation into candlesticks. Without that book, this book would not have been possible. In order to continually develop my abilities in candlestick charting techniques, I sought out Japanese candlestick practitioners who would have the time and inclination to speak with me about the subject. I met a Japanese trader, Morihiko Goto who had been using candlestick charts and who was willing to share his valuable time and insights. This was exciting enough! Then he told me that his family had been using candlestick charts for generations! We spent many hours discussing the history and the uses of candlestick charts. He was an invaluable storehouse of knowledge. I also had an extensive amount of Japanese candlestick literature translated. Obtaining the original Japanese candlestick information was one problem. Getting it translated was another. Based on one estimate there are probably fewer than 400 full-time Japanese-to-English translators in America (this includes part-time translators)11 had to find a translator who could not only translate routine material, but also the highly specialized subject of technical analysis. In this regard I was lucky to have the help of Languages Services Unlimited in New York. The director, Richard Solberg, provided indispensable help to this project. He was a rarity. He was an American fluent in Japanese who understood, and used, technical analysis. Not only did Richard do a wonderful job of translating, but he helped me hunt down and obtain Japanese candlestick literature. Thanks to his help I might have the largest collection of Japanese books on candlesticks in the country. Without Richard this book would have been much less extensive.
Before my introductory article on candlestick charts appeared in late 1989, there were few services offering candlestick charts in the United States. Now a plethora of services offer these charts. These include:
Bloomberg L.P. (New York, NY);
Commodity Trend Service Charts (North Palm Beach, FL); >
CompuTrac™ (New Orleans, LA);
CQG (Glenwood Springs, CO);
Ensign Software (Idaho Falls, ID);
FutureSource™ (Lombard, IL); and
Knight Ridder-Commodity Perspective (Chicago, IL).
By the time you read this book, there probably will be additional services providing candlestick charts. Their popularity grows stronger every day. The profusion of services offering the candlestick charts attests to both their popularity and their usefulness.

Faucets Terpercaya No Scam Dari 2014 - 2019 Untuk Mendapatkan BTC, LTC, dan Dogecoin

Selamat malam sobat semua, melanjutkan postingan terdahulu tentang Langkah-langkah Mendapatkan Uang Dari Bitcoin, jika sobat belum membacanya silahakan baca artikelnya disana. Ok kali ini saya mau share Situs - situs yang Menyediakan Coin Gratisan Alias Faucets, baik itu Lite coin ( LTC ), Doge Coin ( DG ), dan Bitcoin ( BTC ) yang pastinya faucets ini sudah terbukti sampai saat ini masih memberikan coin gratisnya kepada saya. Tentunya bagi Bitcoiner Newbi seperti saya mengikuti faucets adalah langkah pertama yang aman dan cukup menghasilkan bila kita rajin mengambil coinnya, dalam 2 minggu saja alhamdulillah saya sudah dapat hasil hampir 300.000,00 dan itu langsung saya jadikan modal untuk mining di salah satu situs mining terpercaya yaitu Hash Profit. Bagi sobat yang sudah mempunyai BTC 0.03 bisa langsung mining disana mumpung ada promo yaitu selama 1 minggu sobat mendapatkan gratisan sebesar 200 kh/s yang perhari nya kita akan mendapatkan kucuran BTC tanpa harus kerja, 5 hari saja saya sudah mendapatkan sebesar 0.009 BTC, tetapi sobat harus ingat, agar pendapatan kita bisa diambil maka sobat harus mengaktifkan akun sobat dahulu dengan membeli kh/s minimal 11 kh/s sekitar 0.02 btc maka sobat bisa mendapatkan penghasilan dari HasProfit selama 2 tahun, enak kan..? modal sobat kembali dan sobat pun mendapatkan keuntungan terus menerus selama kurun waktu itu.
Mumpung masih promo lebih baik sobat cepat - cepat daftar di sembari ngumpulin btc nya nanti kan gampang kalo dah punya btc 0.02 sobat langsung aktifin dan sobat langsung mendapatkan penghasilannya.
Bitcoin, Litecoin, dogecoin, Tempat mendapatkan Bitcoin banyak 2014-2015.png
Bitcoin bisnis paling menjanjikan

Nah itulah salah satu tips bagi para Bitcoiner newbi seperti saya, jadi bisnis btc tanpa modal pun bisa asal rajin - rajin nya aja, seperti pepatah bilang dikit - dikit lama - lama menjadi bukit and it's true.. Oke, kembali ke topik berikut saya kelompokkan faucets - faucets  berdasarkan coin yang akan kita dapatkan :

1. Faucets Bitcoin
-  <<< Masih legit dan terpercaya selama 5 tahun sampai sekarang. di lain kesempatan saya akan buat artikel mengenai Cara Claim Otomatis di Situs Freebitco Menggunakan Bot Bypass Captcha. Silahkan komen bila sobat ingin mengetahuinya sapa tahu dengan adanya request dari sobat saya bisa mempercepat artikel nya ^_^.

2. Faucets Dogecoin 
-   <<< Situs sudah shutdown

Nah sekian informasi dari saya, dan saya terima kasih banyak bila anda mau daftar lewat link ref saya di atas, semoga usaha sobat semakin sukses.. Aamiin. Ok, selamat hunting Para Bitcoiner Keep Up Good Work..!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Membuat Postingan Justify Alignment atau Rata Kiri-Kanan Secara Otomatis

Pagi semuanya, kali ini saya ingin share lagi tentang Tutorial Blog, dan kali ini saya akan membahas bagaimana membuat postingan kita menjadi Rata kiri-kanan secara otomatis. cara ini bisa menghemat waktu pemostingan kita karena kita tidak harus lagi mengubah Alignment posting secara manual. mungkin cara ini sudah basi kali ya...^_^ ? tapi siapa tahu ada yang belum tahu. Owy, berikut langkah-langkahnya :
1. Loggin ke blog sobat
2. Pilih Rancangan lalu pilih edit Html
3. Cari kode seperti ini .post { untuk memudahkan pencarian silahkan tekan Ctrl+f
4. copy kan kode text-align: justify; sebelum tanda penutupnya ( } )
5. Terakhir simpan
Nah, sekarang coba anda buat sebuah artikel lalu anda publish, maka rataan paragraf nya akan menjadi rata kiri-kanan dan tentunya akan lebih enak untuk dibaca dan dilihat.

Banner Google Adsense Tidak Muncul Karena Pengalihan Domain Otomatis Blogspot Menjadi (

Malam semuanya, hari ini saya dikejutkan dengan menghilangnya banner adsense google di blog Rastanzshare ini, sayapun berpikir apakah blog saya kena banned Google Adsense ya..?
sayapun coba membuka dashboard GA saya.. dan ternyata disitu tidak terdapat notif pelanggaran TOS GA. sampai di langkah ini saya masih sangat bingung sekali..
secara tidak sengaja mata ini tertuju horisontal sejajar dengan address bar di browser saya, dan betapa kaget saya domain berubah menjadi
wah.. ternyata ini yang menyebabkan banner Google Adsense saya tidak muncul. sayapun bingung apakah harus saya daftar ulang lagi nih blog ke GA..?
Penasaran, sayapun mencari solusi untuk pengalihan domain blogspot otomatis ini dan alhamdulillah akhirnya sayapun menemukan solusinya.

solusi untuk pengalihan domain blogspot otomatis
solusi untuk pengalihan domain blogspot otomatis

Ok, langsung aja bagi anda yang mengalami hal serupa dengan saya ini bisa menerapkan trik di bawah ini agar domain anda tidak ter redirect otomatis ke domain meskipun yang mengakses blog anda dari negara indonesia.

Langkah pertama silahkan anda buka blog anda masuk ke edit template seperti biasa lalu taruh kode script berikut ini di bawah kode <head> :
<script type='text/javascript'> var str= window.location.href.toString(); if ((str.indexOf('.com/'))=='-1') { var str1=str.substring(str.lastIndexOf(".blogspot.")); if (str1.indexOf('/')=='-1') { var str2=str1; } else { var str2=str1.substring(0,str1.indexOf('/')+1); } window.location.href =window.location.href.toString().replace(str2,''); } </script>
Kemudian Save Template anda. selesai deh.

Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat.
thanks for sobat blogger saya yang dah share artikel ini.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Bagaimana Cara Mengatasi Flashdisk Yang Write Protect ?

Cara Mengatasi Flashdisk Yang Write Protect, tentunya anda pernah mengalami hal ini bukan...? banyak yang bilang penyebab dari ter write protect nya flashdisk dikarenakan antivirus Smadav, padahal hal itu terjadi karena anda sering mencabut flashdisk anda sekaligus tanpa meremove safely dari windows...dan alhasil flashdisk anda berubah menjadi write protect dan tidak bisa dimasuki file apapun juga tidak bisa di format.

Bagaimana Cara Mengatasi Flashdisk Yang Write Protect ?

Nah kalo sudah begitu apa yang akan anda lakukan? LemBiru alias Lempar ganti yang baru...atau kah memperbaikinya...? Saran saya perbaiki terlebih dahulu...!!!
berikut langkah-langkah yang saya lakukan berdasarkan pengalaman.

Pertama, masukan Flashdisk dan buka windows explorer kemudian klik kanan flashdisk dan Eject, lalu masukan kembali. ( lakukan tahap ini 3x )
Kedua, Gunakan software EASEUS Partition Master 8.0.1 silahkan anda cari sendiri di google banyak ini digunakan untuk memformat Flashdisk anda dan kalo berhasil berarti flashdisk anda sudah pulih kembali. Oke, untuk Langkah terakhir silahkan anda format sekali lagi flashdisk anda di windows explorer.

Semoga bermanfaat.

Bagaimana Cara Mengatasi Error 2B00 atau P07 pada Printer Canon MP258 dan MP270

Cara Mengatasi Error 2B00 atau P07 pada Printer Canon MP258 dan MP270, Hmmm.... kali ini saya mau sharing bagaimana mengatasi Error 2B00 atau P07 pada Printer Canon MP258 dan MP270 karena kebetulan siang tadi saya mengalami ini sendiri, dan setelah googling akhirnya saya menemukan solusinya..oke berikut kronologi nya saya kasih screen shootnya ya:

Nah, langsung aja ke solusinya ya...
Pertama, Tekan dan tahan tombol STOP/RESET lalu nyalakan Printer, tapi ingat jangan lepas tombol STOP/RESET,
Kedua, Lepas tombol STOP/RESET dan tahan tombol On/Off, tahan tombol On/Off dan tekan tombol STOP/RESET dua kali.
Ketiga, Lepaskan tombol On/Off dan Pendeteksian Printer baru di windows akan terjadi.

Oke dan terakhir kita gunakan software Canon Printer Services Tool, berikut Screen shoot nya :

Tekan tombol MAIN pada area atau bagian Clear Ink Counter, pastikan anda sudah memasukan kertas di printer karena setelah proses selesai printer akan melakukan pencetakan
Terakhir, tekan tombol PLATEN pada area atau bagian Clear Ink Counter dan printer akan mencetak ulang.

Well, Beres deh... !!! semoga printer anda tidak kumat lagi ya...
Semoga bermanfaat...